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The Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan has identified the main tasks for 2024


The Defense Department, under the leadership of the Minister of Defense, Colonel General Ruslan Zhaksylykov, held an extended meeting on the main activities for the training and development of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the 2024 academic year.
It was attended by the heads of structural divisions of the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, the National Defense University, commanders-in-chief of branches of the Armed Forces, commanders of troops of regional commands, branches of the military and commanders of military units.
As the minister noted, the main efforts this year should be aimed at improving the quality of combat training, combat readiness of troops, the moral and psychological climate in military teams and the effectiveness of management decisions of government bodies at all levels.
The head of the defense department emphasized that the readiness of personnel to carry out combat missions to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state depends on these factors.
– This year, large-scale exercises will take place on the territory of our country with the participation of five states, which should be held at a high organizational level. It is extremely important for us to maintain friendly relations between the fraternal peoples and the armed forces in order to fulfill the task of ensuring security in the Central Asian region,” said Colonel General Ruslan Zhaksylykov.
First Deputy Minister of Defense - Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Marat Khusainov, reported at the meeting on the main tasks of combat training and organizational and staffing activities of the Armed Forces.
He informed that in 2024, more than 160 operational and over 70 thousand combat training events are planned. The Chief of the General Staff noted that the most significant of them are the “Birlestik” exercises with the involvement of the Navy, Air Force, Special Operations Forces of the regional command “West” and military contingents of Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
Lieutenant General Marat Khusainov also said that as part of the celebration of the centenary of General Sagadat Nurmagambetov, international boxing and sambo championships will be held in Almaty, and for the first time the CIS military championship in Kazakh kures will be held.
– In total, 33 competitions will be held in Kazakhstan. At the same time, army athletes will perform at 17 international competitions. It is also planned that Kazakh military personnel will participate in 35 international tactical exercises, six of which will take place here,” said the First Deputy Minister of Defense.
Issues of acquisition, overhaul and modernization of weapons and military equipment were highlighted in his report by Deputy Minister of Defense for Armaments and Military Equipment, Major General Bakytbek Sydykov.
Deputy Minister of Defense Lieutenant General Sultan Kamaletdinov focused on key events of international cooperation, educational and ideological work in the Armed Forces.
The main measures of logistics support and development of military infrastructure were announced in his report by the Chief of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Colonel Arman Mansurov.
Following the meeting, Minister of Defense Colonel General Ruslan Zhaksylykov identified the key tasks of the defense department. The efforts of the command staff will be focused on organizing close interaction with the Central Government and local executive bodies. Particular attention will be paid to the development of the domestic defense industry, national production and repair bases, improving the quality of combat training, planned rearmament of the army, increasing the share of military-trained reserves and improving interdepartmental coordination.

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