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IMG 9008

Deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan Zhanarbek Ashimzhanov, Yulia Kuchinskaya, Danabek Isabekov, Samat Nurtaza met with the Charge d'Affaires of Iraq in Kazakhstan Jaber Najm Abdullah Al-Temimi. – Iraq is an important political partner of Kazakhstan in the Arab world. We are interested in expanding cooperation not only in the political, but also in the trade and economic spheres. In this context, we invite the Iraqi business community to visit our country and hold extended negotiations with Kazakh colleagues,” said Zhanarbek Ashimzhanov, head of the group on interparliamentary cooperation with Iraq. Jaber Najm Abdullah Al-Temimi noted that the Iraqi side is also interested in expanding relations with Central Asian countries, including Kazakhstan.

The Silk Road program was launched in Iraq with the goal of uniting Europe and Asia. Following the meeting, the interlocutors agreed to continue the development of Kazakh-Iraqi cooperation in all areas, including through parliaments.

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