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China: ASEAN.Digital cooperation


China and ASEAN have clear advantages for cooperation and trade ties. Harnessing the opportunities of the digital era and creating a shared future was the main theme of the E-Commerce Silk Road Forum, which was held this year as part of the 20th China-ASEAN EXPO.

Universal solutions were presented to help meet the growing demand from Chinese and ASEAN enterprises. A number of digital e-commerce projects were launched that will help expand the entry of goods from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries into the Chinese market.
Also, the index of development of cooperation in the field of e-commerce between China and ASEAN was published for the first time, a cross-border e-commerce service center was launched, and a platform for the transition to more advanced digital technologies was put into operation.
All this makes it possible to show the level of cooperation and prospects for the development of such cooperation between China and ASEAN.

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